Full Stack Email Marketer for Women Business Owners

Get more money out of your email list


You Help Women Realize Their Full Potential — But Reaching Those Who Need You? That’s the Struggle.

You’ve got a proven track record of helping women. You love what you do. But you’re ready to grow. You’ve done everything right. You post on social media and have been collecting new email subscribers like crazy!

There’s just one problem —

They don’t see your emails.

You know the value of your subscribers — they’re an already interested pool of potential clients all in one place. Eager to hear what you have to say.

But while your emails are sending, they aren’t ending up where they should be.

Your customers’ inbox.

Or worse, you aren’t even sure where they are landing!

That’s where I step in.

I’m Anna, a Full Stack Email Marketer and Copywriter for Women Business Owners

Why do you need someone specifically for email and writing?

  • free up your time and money - time is money after all. Having an email list manager takes one BIG aspect of running a business off your hands so you can put your attention on the women who need you.

  • streamline your marketing - I help you come up with a plan to reach women who specifically want the services you offer.

  • help grow your business - focusing on your already existing email subscribers is an easy way to boost sales. You already know they are interested in what you have to say so they are much more likely to buy.

  • peace of mind knowing you’re in capable hands - there are a lot of moving parts to run a business. Most companies have at least a handful of people who specialize in specific areas needed to keep it going. I’m here to help you.

You've got a lot on your plate. 

You give your all to those you serve. 

Isn't it about time you let someone look out for you? 

Hiring an email list manager will save you time and boost your profits. Taking a huge aspect of your business off your plate.

I take care of your writing needs so you can focus more on what matters to you. The women you work with.


Reach out for a free 15-minute consult to see how I can help you. No commitment necessary.


Figuring Out the Right Words — So You Don’t Have To

Cover all of your Email needs in one place

Email Marketing.

It’s kind of a scary word, isn’t it?

You know that you need it. (It’s the easiest way to engage with people who have already shown interest in your business.) But thinking of what to write every day, setting up the automations, and trying to make sure you aren’t landing in spam or the promo tab can be a daunting task. 

Especially when you have other areas of your business that need your focus to keep you up and running.

That’s where I come in.

I take over the full scope of your email process. This means I take care of : 

  • Writing daily emails

  • Setting up your automations (like the very important welcome series)

  • Ensuring deliverability (there’s nothing worse than landing in the promo tab.)

Interested? Click the button below to find out more.


Email List Management

You’ve been collecting subscribers but you haven’t been utilizing this list of potential customers. Or maybe you have but your emails keep going to spam or in the promo tab. Let me help you by managing your entire email system.


If you haven’t built your website with SEO in mind, you’re behind. I incorporate SEO strategies into your site to help you bring in new customers as well as impress your existing clientele.

Starting at $2000


Some people say that blogs are dead. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth! People are always looking for solutions online. If you write about what people want to read, they will come back to your site again and again — creating more exposure for you and your business!

Blogs are a great way to tell Google (and your customers) that you’re still relevant. Consistent content with keyword research — and a few other strategies — help people find you online as well as keep your customers engaged with your brand.

Starting at $250 per 1000 words


One of the best ways to stay connected with your audience is through emails.

It keeps them informed of any promotions or updates you have about your services.

You also speak directly to the people who have already shown interest in your business. This means they are far more willing to go to your site and take action than someone who is unfamiliar with you.

Email is a great way to continuously communicate with your audience. it’s also one of the simplest ways to bring users to your website. 

Starting at $200 per email

Digital Products

Get rid of the overwhelm of starting from scratch every time you want to launch something new. This 5 template series can be used for all your freebies!

You can use this for any Welcome Series you need to set up.

Get yours now while you can.

And stop stressing over those emails!

a little about me…

Hiya, I’m Anna!

I’m a wife and mother of 3. I have two little girls (5 & 3) and a baby boy (18m). Our house is busy with little ones but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Living in chaos is just the norm these days. (Anyone else relate?)

My journey to entrepreneurship started with copywriting after my oldest was born. I came across a Facebook ad and I’ve been riding the waves of entrepreneurship ever since!

Given the ups and downs of growing a business while raising small children, I know how hard it can be.

I want to work with fellow women who know they have value to offer. They’ve been in business for a while and have a clear picture of what they want. Growth. They’re just missing one piece of the puzzle. 

Maximizing their email list. 

Click the button below to unload your email marketing!